A Simple Dream…
Hello and Welcome!! Thank you so much for stopping by! My name is Chelsea, and I am the owner and the creator of The Simple House. I am a mama to two babes, and wifey to a husband who can really throw down in the kitchen! Lucky me!
I am obsessed with organization and home styling. As a kid I remember going to look at model homes and thought it was so much fun to dream about the ways I would style the house. I spent time color coordinating my closet as a teenager and looking for decor to style my room. This not only brought me so much joy, and the ability to freely express creativity, but it also brought me a sense of control, or inner peace. What I didn’t realize at the time, is that I grew up in a very stressful, dysfunctional household, and the space in my room was not only all mine, but it was something that I could control.
That really hasn’t changed much over the years. When I find myself stressed or full of anxiety, controlling my environment has made a direct positive impact on my overall mental state and wellness. Due to the stress and trauma experienced in childhood I developed anxiety that has worsened over the years, and what I have learned is that clutter and disorganization amplifies my anxiety considerably.
When I left corporate America to stay home and raise my babies I found that creating systems that fit the functionality of our family was something that I really enjoyed doing. I loved setting up my kid’s nurseries when they were newborns and deciding how I was going to organize all the different sized baby clothes, and ALL those dang diapers!! It was very calming for me, and I became almost obsessed with the visions that dance in my head of what the end result will look like.
Flash forward to today, my oldest is going to be starting Kindergarten in the fall, and his little sister is in preschool. So with the kids going off to school most of the day, it has given me time back to myself and to reflect on what impact I want to leave on this earth. My first and most important priority will always be taking care of my family. Second to that is creating a business that adds joy, positivity, peace and a sense of control for others. Having an organized environment has made such a huge impact on my mental health, and I hope to inspire others to consider the impact our environments have on our mental wellness, and work together to find a solution.
I am very ambitious and would consider myself a dreamer. I have fought through anxiety, depression, low self worth, and endless amounts of stress to grow into my purpose. I truly believe I am here to help teach others how to live a more simple life starting with their environments. Through my own personal growth journey, I have discovered a passion, and I can’t wait to show my kids how hard work pays off and how the journey is really the destiny.
Having a simple house is not about having a perfect home, or one that is clean all the time, because let me be the first to tell you, that is NOT the case, remember I have 2 kids under 5, and a husband that I am raising :) The Simple House is about living with intention, and having the ability to let things go that truly do not serve you. The Simple House is a place for EVERYONE. I welcome all who want to follow along my journey. I will share tips and tricks for organizing, home styling, and mommy life. There might be some occasional posts about wine (If I wasn’t pursuing my purpose of helping others, then I would totally be a sommelier gushing about all the joy my taste buds experience when sipping just the right red).
Thank you sooooo much for stopping by and learning a little about me. I am excited to see what adventure awaits!!
xo ~Chels